Submit a booking request:
Submit a booking request with your desired date, start time and party information. We set up picnics all throughout the day, morning to evening, 7 days a week. Enjoy a sunrise picnic or date night experience.
Choose your location:
Select the location or we could recommend some for you. We set up at beaches, parks and even backyards! All over the Brevard County, Florida area.
Choose your style:
Select one of our many styles. From boho to romantic themed set-ups; we have a variety of options to choose from. Don't see one that fits your vision? Let us know what your looking for and we can work on a custom set up.
Choose your add-ons:
Elevate your picnic experience by adding on our boho teepee tent, wooden beverage cart & more! Click here to browse our add-ons.
Show up and have a great time!
Everything will be perfectly set up upon your arrival and we come back at the end of your picnic to take care of the clean up. We handle all of the details so all you have to do is show up and have a great time!
Occasions big and small all deserve festive attention! A picnic is the perfect way to spend quality time and create lasting memories with your friends & family. From birthday parties to anniversaries to proposals-no matter what you're celebrating we offer the ideal backdrop for your event; no work, no cleanup and a great view.
Our 2 person picnic starts at $200 and increases depending on the amount of picnickers. Our picnics can seat up to 30 people. View our pricing sheet here. Pricing includes: Low wood picnic tables, pillow seats, rugs, table decor, plates, linens, drinkware, silverware, a bluetooth speaker, still water, 3 hours of use, set up & clean up!
Grab some charcuterie for your picnic!
We recommend Chef Tina Jean.
Contact us today to book your dream pop-up picnic!